Mr Michael Dooley, Consultant Doctor MBBS, MMs,FRCOG, MFFP.
Gynaecologist Consultant Surgeon Mr Michael Dooley, asked to write the book forward in 2001 for the very first Colour Breathing Book Kit when he heard about the concept and pioneering work Alison had undertaken.
Within his book forward he writes:
“I welcome the introduction of CBRT into an integrated healthcare programme. The control of inner-self, self-discipline and positive thought will help prevent, even treat, some areas of ill health, as well as aid more conventional therapy. I hope that CBRT will help reduce the need for therapeutic agents -which can be associated with side effects sometimes worse than the actual disease.”
Mr Michael Dooley, Consultant Doctor MBBS, MMs,FRCOG, MFFP
The Winterbourne Hospital, Dorchester, Dorset; Founding Director -The Poundbury Clinic, Dorchester
The Lister Hospital & Harley Street London
Co-author of “Your Change, Your Choice - an integrated approach to the Menopause” by Hodder Stoughton.
Dr.K.T.Birinder became the first UK Doctor (GP) trained in the CBRT Technique in 2005.
“I think it’s an extremely valuable relaxation tool – I have been using it regularly in my GP practice since my training in 2005. I have the Colour Breathing Disks on my consulting room wall and it is interesting to see the responses of children and adults to the Disks. Majority of the patients attending for aconsultation say how relaxing the room is.
I have used CBRT for as a part of meditation and relaxation sessions in the Surgery with patients for a year and 80% of the feedback was for CBRT to be a repeat session.
It would be wonderful to be able to train individuals to use the technique for helping themselves and their families. Restart after the new year with just CBRT sessions for patients."
CBRT from a Nurses' Perspective. Maria Hayman. BN RGN FETC (CBRT Practitioner trained in 2004)
Having been a nurse in the UK for the past 34 years, I have witnessed many changes in the way patient care is delivered. We have moved from the concept of the nurse being a ‘doer’ and giving the patient all of their care to becoming more of a facilitator. In this role we enable and encourage patients to accept more responsibility for their care and indeed for their general health and well-being.
There have many times during my long and varied career when, with hindsight, I could have used CBRT in my dealing with the different groups of patients I have worked with. A lot of patients are admitted to hospital suffering from the effects of stress on their minds and bodies. Using CBRT as an additional tool to enable them to relax more easily would have been an ideal topic to introduce into all of our self-help groups. Examples of these self help/support groups would include:
Cardiac care, hypertension, addiction and rehabilitation clinics, obesity, and smoking cessation
Respiratory groups – asthma, emphysema, Cystic Fibrosis, COPD
Depression and Anxiety
Breast Cancer
Pain management/control, dialysis
PTSD, Amputees, War Veterans
Cancer groups, of which there were several
Donna Haughian – Mental Health Consultant - “CBRT can improve your mental health and wellbeing”
Donna Haughian is a Mental Health Consultant who specialises in mental health, psychological trauma management and community mental health projects. She worked with the Northern Ireland Charity “Action Mental Health” for 10 years and was the first CBRT Training Manager in Northern Ireland.
Using the CBRT Disks® and CBRT as part of her stress management training programmes and counselling services, Donna saw at first hand the powerful benefits CBRT can have on an individual’s mental and physical well being and found it can be successfully applied to all levels of mental health care programmes .
"Often when clients come to us for counselling, we find that initially they are often too distressed and upset to verbalise their feelings. Using the CBRT® Disks in the initial stages of the counselling process has enabled our clients to quickly achieve a stage of relaxation which then enables them to more fully engage in the counselling process. We highly recommend the use of CBRT as a relaxation technique.”
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All rights reserved. CBRT Healthcare Innovation Systems Ltd 2025