Michael Dooley Esq LVO, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Dorset has written the Colour Breathing book foreword.

Having completed twenty years as a conventional doctor, I am now getting very enthused about my next twenty years. Sadly, my five years at university paid no attention to anything other than conventional medicine and therapeutic methods. More recently I have realised that the conventional doctor does not know all. I have the same belief as Socrates that ‘I know that I do not know.’ I hope that I will not be executed for this belief as Socrates was!
Evidence-based medicine is important and in many areas essential; however, we have to accept, that for many areas of healthcare and appropriate treatment, statistically based evidence may be difficult, if not impossible to achieve.
A holistic approach to the care of an individual is an honourable goal which we should all aim to achieve. The whole person needs to be treated rather than just the symptoms. In my area of specific expertise – women’s health and infertility – it is essential that a multidisciplinary approach be achieved. Complementary medicine is exciting; this implies one, two or more ideas that go together, i.e., they complement each other.
Alison Bourne’s work of Colour Breathing is a fascinating, thought-provoking, in some way revolutionary, new weapon in my armoury for a holistic approach. She has introduced the role of Colour Breathing to inner well-being, and I am extremely pleased to see its introduction. I will be very interested to hear the feedback from individuals. The control of inner –self, self-discipline and positive thought will help prevent, even treat, some areas of ill health, as well as aid more conventional therapy. I hope Colour Breathing will help reduce the need for therapeutic agents (which can be associated with side effects sometimes worse than the actual disease.)
Alison needs to be congratulated on this book, as she has helped me believe that my next twenty years in medicine is going to be very exciting, with the further integration of complementary medicine into my practice.
Happy Colour Breathing – enjoy and benefit...
Michael Dooley
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